Wednesday, October 26, 2005

One Night in Bangkok

After 24 hours of traveling, we arrived last night in Bangkok. A twenty minute ride in the back of a rickety bus hurtling past tuk-tuks and flat bed trucks piled high with baskets of goods later we made it to our hotel. The hotel clerk seemed somewhat overwhelmed by the onslaught of people. My head boss had arrived the day before so the reservations were set for my boss to join her in one room and for my coworker and I to share another. The clerk however informed us that Head Boss had cancelled her reservation and was not at the hotel. My boss was then given her own room and we all shuffled off somewhat bewildered. At 6 this morning the phone woke me from my groggy jet-lagged stupor - it was Head Boss, slightly panicked, wanting to know why Boss had not made it to their room last night and to make sure Boss was somewhere in Bangkok. Apparently Head Boss had changed rooms within the hotel and that had translated into the clerk thinking she had cancelled...

Anyway, our hotel is on the river so this morning finally all together we set out in a water taxi to the conference. I love boats! Bangkok is balmy and the breeze off the river was a welcomed addition. I look forward to having some free time in the up-coming days to explore the city and of course shop ;) The conference, though, is shaping up to be amazing. There are 1600 women's rights activists from all over the world here.

-A. Monkey