Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Virgin Post

Ok, I am officially venturing into the world of blogging. After almost a year of reading blogs and even occasionally commenting, I am taking the plunge...

I hope to develop this blog into a mixture of political commentary/rants, random things that amuse me and stories from my travels.

Right now I am gearing up for a crazy world adventure to Thailand, Dubai, and Tajikistan (or "that 'stan place"). I leave in less than a week and will be traveling for almost a month. I love traveling and I am a self-admitted stress junky, but the mad rush to get everything in my office in shape and to see friends and family before jetting off to places unknown is getting a tad wearing. I find I am staring at this picture a lot - it is from my trip to Tbilisi Georgia this summer - it's beautiful and strangely calming.

- A. Monkey

Anonymous said...

Well, looky who has a blog! And I get 1st comment!
p.s. I'll try not to burn the house down while you're gone.

Elise said...

Nice!! Welcome to blogging! Love the name and the notion!

Activist Monkey said...

Yay you found me!